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Shortlists, Longlists & a Prize

November 25, 2019

We submit our books to as many prizes as possible. Not that I expect to win many but I think it gives a book exposure. You never know who will pick it up as part of the judging process and give it some of that essential word of mouth promotion.

But we have had some success and I would like to share our growing list of nominations with you.

Live Show, Drink Included by Vicky Grut – shortlisted for the 2019 Edge Hill Short Story Prize

Travels with My Father by Karen Jennings – longlisted for the 2017 Sunday Times Barry Ronge Fiction Prize in South Africa

He Runs the Moon by Wendy Brandmark – longlisted for the Edge Hill Short Story Prize 2017

100 Dutch-Language Poems edited by Paul Vincent & John Irons – joint winner of the Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize 2016

The Stray American by Wendy Brandmark – longlisted for the Jerwood Fiction Uncovered Prize 2015

Finding Soutbek by Karen Jennings – shortlisted for the Inaugural Etisalat Prize for Literature in 2013

The Lonely Tree by Yael Politis – honourable mention in the General Fiction category of the 2012 Eric Hoffer Award

Mind you, the best prize a book can win is selling many copies and, what’s more, you can help us choosing our book to become your Christmas presents.