This year too, we will take all our poetry books to the Poetry Book Fair 2020, including best-selling award-winning 100 Dutch-Language Poems and our two latest additions: Transeuropa, hard hitting poems about Europe by Jules Deelder, translated by Scott Emblen-Jarrett & London Undercurrents a collaboration by Joolz Sparkes and Hilaire about the hidden histories of London’s unsung heroines.
What’s more: from 6.43 – 6.51pm Joolz and Hilaire will read from London Undercurrents at the evening event in the Poetry Cafe. Joolz and Hilaire talk about working together on Something Rhymed and you can read it here.
The Fair
Date: Saturday 22 February
Time: 10.30am – 4.30pm
Venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
The Evening Programme
Time: 6.43 – 6.51pm
Venue: The Poetry Café, 22 Betterton Street, London WC2H 9BX
Our poetry list now contains 13 titles and take this opportunity to get your hands on one of them. Our publisher, Bernadette, will be there all day for a chat and answer any questions you may have.
Don’t forget that our poetry competition Is Royalty Relevant? is open until 27 April 2020. It’s free to enter your poem.
Bernadette, Joolz and Hilaire look forward to meeting you on 22 February!