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Pictures from the launch of Hold Still

November 16, 2013

The audience was packed, the atmosphere was great and the books were much in demand. It was a wonderful celebration of Cherry Smyth’s debut novel Hold Still.

the books
The books

happy buyers
One of the first happy buyers, many were to follow

the audience
The audience crowding round the grand piano

the audience
The audience enjoying themselves

the audience
Having a drink

getting stuck in
Some fans can’t wait until they get home and start reading there and then.

Cherry Smyth introduces Hold Still
Cherry Smyth introduces Hold Still

first except
and treats us to an excerpt

second excerpt
and another one for good measure

Author & publisher
The author with the publisher

An interesting question
That’s an interesting question!

queuing for the book signing
People queuing to get their book signed

A special dedication
A special dedication

happy ending
A happy end to the evening

A big thank you to the October Gallery for providing such a lovely venue and to Cherry for finding a wonderful pianist and photographer.

The printed book is now available to order from this website and all good bookshops in the UK and the USA, and shortly also from

The ebook is available in Kindle and epub formats from this website and in Kindle format from all Amazon websites.

For bulk orders please contact the publisher:, + 44 (0) 7792611929