Norbert Hirschhorn is taking his poetry collection To Sing Away the Darkest Days – Poems Re-imagined from Yiddish Folksongs on a whistle-stop tour through the USA.
Norbert will read some of his poems, talk about what Yiddish folksongs mean to him and how they inspired him as a poet.

The first stop is on Sunday 30 March at 7:30pm in the Afikomen Judaica bookstore on 3042 Claremont Avenue Berkeley, CA 94705. As an extra treat Nobert’s sister Linda Hirschhorn, cantor and songwriter, will provide the live music.
The next stop is on April 6 at 2pm in Temple Israel, 1602 East Second Street, Duluth, MN 55812.
The third stop is on April 9 is at 7:30pm in Haverford College 370 Lancaster Ave Haverford, Pa 19041.
The tour finishes on 16 April at 6pm in Cornelia Street Café, 29 Cornelia Street Greenwich Village NY 10014.
Please contact the venues directly if you would like to attend.
Norbert Hirschhorn is a physician specializing in international public health, commended in 1993 by President Bill Clinton as an ‘American Health Hero’. His poems have been published in over three dozen journals and won a number of prizes in the US and UK. To Sing Away the Darkest Days is his fourth full collection.

For review copies and publicity material please contact the publisher, +44 (0) 7792611929
To Sing Away the Darkest Days is distributed in the USA by SPD.