Resolutions never work out and anyway you should put your bad habits to good use.
For example: you should try not to drink too much wine. But at the end of a long day it relaxes me and makes me happy. So why give it up in a New Year’s resolution? And I don’t eat much chocolate anyway.
Instead I like to have a strong aim. So for 2015 my aim is straightforward: to sell more books than in 2014. Now this is really difficult because unlike a New Year’s resolution it involves plenty of other people.
I have my work cut out. Lots of books are published each year, the ones that stand out should be the ones that are bought. I like to think so and I don’t intend to be proven wrong.
I have to warn you, our books are not free because a) we value them and more importantly b) we want to pay our authors. I’m, too, under no illusion that people buy from us because we are a friendly independent (i.e. privately owned) company, we are, but people don’t really take that into account. It’s only when those friendly independents start disappearing that people want to rescue them.
Now I’m off to think up some wonderful campaigns to support our authors. Watch this space you will hear from me. In the meantime: why don’t you prove you have a discerning and inquisitive mind and buy one these books!
Happy reading in 2015!