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Away From the Dead by Karen Jennings

May 9, 2014

We’re very excited to publish a new short story collection by one of Africa’s rising stars. You don’t have to take our word for it, Karen Jennings debut novel, Finding Soutbek, was shortlisted for the inaugural Etisalat Prize for Literature which aims to discover new creative talent from the African subcontinent.

In general, the subject of Karen’s work is South Africa, and her fiction utilises, and attempts to renew, the tradition of social realism long established in South African literature as the form of protest writing.

Away From the Dead underlines this, and in it a wonderful story writer spins her tales. They are not to be missed.  Karen Jennings has a touching and sensitive way of writing about the lives of the underdogs.

Most of the stories have been published. From Dark won the Africa Region prize in the Commonwealth Short Story Competition and The Shark won the English section of the Maskew Miller Longman short story competition in 2009.

Away From the Dead will be launched in September 2014 and copies will be available in July.

The cover of Away from the Dead, and all our our book covers, logo and website are designed by Andrew Cox from Reactive Graphics.

If you would like a review copy, press information, or pre-order any copies, please contact the publisher by email or phone + 44 (0) 77 92611929