We are delighted to announce the publication of Stone. Bread. Salt. a new poetry collection by Norbert Hirschhorn.
Stone. Bread. Salt. will be published on 26 April 2018.

In this very personal collection of poems Norbert Hirschhorn takes stock of his life and gives voice to his quest to pass on the experiences of the generations before him.
He experiments with rhyme and metre, free verse and prose poems, yet they all are in his inimitable voice, and together they tell a story.
Each poem can be savoured on its own but together they paint a picture of a thoughtful poet and American Health Hero (to quote Bill Clinton) trying to catch the essence of life to hand it down to the next generations.

Hirschhorn’s previous poetry collection To Sing Away the Darkest Days – Poems Re-imagined from Yiddish folksongs was published by Holland Park Press in 2013.
For more information or advance review copies please contact the publisher: bernadette@hollandparkpress.co.uk, +44 (0) 7792611929.