Our Publishing Deal
Key Facts
At Holland Park Press, your book will enjoy the limelight and it will not be overshadowed by the bestseller of the year or month.
Each book is precious and once you become one of our authors we will work in partnership with you to make the most out of your book.
We publish an author, not just a book.
We understand that those couple of weeks that a new book is typically displayed in bookshops are not enough, unless you are a well-known author or celebrity.
Similarly, it is not enough just to be available from major online bookshops, as it is very difficult for most books to stand out.
Our commitment is to give you the greatest possible exposure to the market. Rather than sending just a few copies of your book to many shops, we find potential readers and bring your book to their attention.
We have extensive experience and make full use of web marketing techniques, creating a community to whom we sell our books.
By understanding how the web works, we know how to hone in on a specific, niche group, and bring a book to its attention.
We sell our books throughout the world. They are available to order from any bookshop.
Also by being in close consultation with our authors, we will make sure that books are available in generous quantities from independent bookshops near a target audience.
We also make use of opportunities through events as recommended by our authors. In addition, we organise events to promote our books.
Your book will have its own dedicated page with a downloadable press release that can be used to promote your book at every opportunity to maximise your success. Quotes from reviews are prominently displayed on your book’s webpage.
We encourage links from and to our website and we also publish a high quality and topical literary magazine to increase traffic to our website. This provides another way to raise the profile of you and your books.
Our Books
We welcome unsolicited and completed manuscripts both in Dutch and English.
All new work from Dutch authors is published in both Dutch and English which significantly increases their potential market. This is a unique deal available for the first time to both new and published authors.
Whatever the subject or genre of your book, it is the literary merit that matters to us.
We only publish high quality literary novels, poetry and work with experienced editors and translators.
How We Work
Our thorough editorial and book production process is very agile compared to the procedures often followed by traditional publishers. This will allow us to work more efficiently and bring books to the market faster.
At Holland Park Press it takes just a few months to see your book in print.
We do not allow books to go out of print and we believe that a literary work has the ability to find an ongoing readership.
We do not spend time on supervising development of a novel from a concept or summary or go through extensive re-writes.
If a promising manuscript is at this stage we invite the author to join our advanced creative writing courses with her or his manuscript.
We can deal directly with authors, so you do not need to have an agent to get published by us.
Our contracts are clear and straightforward to understand, so no time and money is wasted on lengthy negotiations.
We do not pay an advance. We prefer to spend our budget on book promotion and liaise directly with you, the author, in order to place the book correctly in the market.
We value our authors and therefore our royalty scheme is more generous than the industry norm and based on the recommended retail price.
Royalties will be paid in June and December and we do not retain a percentage to cover returns.
If you have written a manuscript that fits our criteria and you want to take advantage of our publishing deal, we would like to hear from you.