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A Fresh Start to Promote Excellent Literature

May 8, 2022

Since 2009, we have been a somewhat rare phenomenon: a literary press that strongly believes it can become commercially successful.

Our critical acclaim is shown by quotes from many excellent reviews on our book pages. Eighteen percent of our books have been nominated for major awards and one of our novels has now attracted the attention of  a high profile film & TV producer.

Besides, Karen Jennings, whose debut novel Finding Soutbek we produced in 2012, was longlisted for the Booker Prize with An Island in 2021.

We, publisher Bernadette, and author & assistant publisher Arnold, continue to invest in Holland Park Press. To work in the most cost-effective way Arnold has moved back to the Netherlands, and Bernadette has become a lodger, but remains in Malmesbury England.

Our main aim is to increase direct sales via our website and on markets to such an extent that the press becomes sustainable and that we can resume working from the same home office.

To create enough word-of-mouth level, we need as many people as possible to get involved in one or more of these activities:

Buy a book from our website

Why? Because this way we receive a greater percentage, which we can share with our authors, compared to selling through bookshops and especially Amazon. It’s easy, no need to create an account, and we accept all the major cards: NovelsShort StoriesPoetryDutch or All Books

Adopt a book or an author

What’s this? I can’t single one out, I love all our books to bits and admire every one of our authors, but you can. If you feel a special affinity with a book or author, you can put this on the map by generating a buzz on social media or by just telling all your friends to buy a copy or two.

Support us in the social media


Can you donate a few pennies to keep us going and publish more new literary finds? Great, just go to our PayPal donations page:

or, if you prefer, you can pay directly into our bank account, our bank details are:
account no: 60081694 sort code: 600208 iban: GB98NWBK60020860081694

or, contact the publisher directly: Bernadette Jansen op de Haar

Thank you very much!