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Some Authors Can Sing

May 4, 2017

I’ve organised many launch parties since I founded Holland Park Press. They’ve all been special, and I look forward to many more.
The launch of The Institute, the English translation of Vincent’s first novel Het instituut managed to score two firsts:
Thanks to Ambassador Simon Smits and Head of Public Diplomacy, Press & Culture, Jannet Duijndam, it was our first launch reception at the Dutch Embassy;
Thanks to Vincent Bijlo’s talent, it was our first launch reception at which an author burst out in song.

Mind you, not any old song, but a love song about Vincent’s wife Mariska Reijmerink, who herself had translated this song from Dutch into English especially for this occasion. 
Vincent is a remarkable person, not only can he sing, play the grand piano, write books, he is also very funny and has been performing in his own shows since 1989.  Made in Braille was the first one. 
He work as a  stand-up comedian, columnist, musician and author, as well as his appearances on radio and TV have made him a household name in the Netherlands. 
If you’re not Dutch, enjoy making your acquaintance with this remarkable personality by watching this video, taken on his mobile phone by author & poet Arnold Jansen op de Haar on the spur of the moment.