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We Need a Roof Over Our Heads

September 24, 2021

Coming to you from the Holland Park Press study which we will soon have to abandon:

B: My name is Bernadette Jansen op de Haar and I’m a publisher.

A: I’m her brother Arnold Jansen op de Haar, poet and author, and together we run Holland Park Press.

B: We live in Malmesbury, and are about to lose the roof over our heads.

A: And so is Harry the dog.

A: We have to move by 30 October and are looking for cheap accommodation. My settled status has come through, but my sister’s application is stuck in the system even though she moved to the UK in 1983. Also, we’ve invested everything we have in Holland Park Press, and with credit cards maxed out, it will be difficult to sign a standard rental lease agreement.

B: Obviously, we’re in a pickle but think we can continue if we allow ourselves to think out of the box. We don’t need something large or with amenities. Somewhere dry with an internet connection will enable us to continue publishing fabulous books.

A: So, if, for example, you have an empty space or need someone to keep an eye on a property, I’m an ex-officer in the Dutch Grenadier Guards, let us know.

B: We’ve been going since 2009 and I’m proud of what Arnold and I have achieved. We discovered Booker longlisted Karen Jennings and published her debut novel in 2012. We are proud of all our authors and 18% of our books have been nominated for an award. All our books stay on the front list and get actively promoted because they deserve it. We accept unsolicited manuscripts directly from authors and like to find new authors whatever their age or background. Help us to continue publishing more essential literature including the English translation of Arnold’s latest novel Schurft.

A: I’m proud of my sister who has spent everything on literature: savings, central London apartment and a large chunk of her pension. It’s now all or nothing: keep buying our books, that’s most important, but we need a roof, so we’re open for suggestions.

B: Today, 24th of September, is Arnold’s birthday, make this a special one.