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Photos from the launch of Het refrein van andermans leven

September 25, 2016

Arnold welcomes the guests
Arnold Jansen op de Haar on the far right of the picture welcomes the guests

Arnold and Bert de Jong
Arnold and Bert de Jong who kindly sponsored the event

Arnold asking questions
Arnold asks the audience a few questions: Who is family? Who is a friend? Who is a colleague from my time in the army?

Arnold reading
Arnold reading in the beautiful Eusebiuskerk in Arnhem, the Netherlands

Arnold surrounded by guests
Arnold surrounded by friends, family members and ex-colleagues

the audience
The audience mingling

Arnold reading
Arnold reading to a rapt audience

Another shot of the beautiful Eusebiuskerk with happy guests

Thanks to Jan Kuba van Bijnen for taking the pictures.
Het refrein van andermans leven
ik ben het refrein van
andermans leven
ik zeg vanzelfsprekendheid voort

Het refrein van andermans leven is available from Dutch bookshops, or this website.