By Arnold Jansen op de Haar
Arnold Jansen op de Haar, the author of Engel, took his Christmas break in London. He visited several of the locations featured in his new novel Engel and luckily his publisher had her mobile phone to hand to record the events.
The author enjoying a bit of fresh air on the balcony.
Engel, p 91: She ran as fast as she could, keeping going and going farther, until she ran out of breath, still she didn’t stop. When she reached the Italian Gardens she couldn’t continue and at last she dared to glance over her shoulder.
Engel, p 111: The brickwork of the Crusting Pipe was in places darkened by candles and this made its vaulted arches look even more like old Dickensian mine tunnels… He and Angel were sitting opposite each other, looking somewhat self-consciously, in one of the booths inside the basement wine bar.
Engel, p 82: It was very busy in Hyde Park: Children flew their kites with help from their fathers… very fashionable young mothers… strolled along with trendy buggies… Near the round pond it was much quieter.