Video & Pictures from the Launch of The Houses Along the Wall
Eyes are moist during the moving & wonderful reading by Karen Hayes
Eyes are moist during the moving & wonderful reading by Karen Hayes
Thursday 11 Oct in the October Gallery London
Sunday 7 Oct at 4pm in the Boat House Newport Pembrokeshire
Saturday 22 September Senate House London
This Saturday, 28 July, from 2 to 3 pm, in the Corn Hall, Cirencester
By Vicky Grut will be published in October 2018
by Karen Hayes will be published in September 2018
Lovely and succesful in the grounds of Kemble House!
A poetry collection by Etisalat Prize shortlisted Karen Jennings
We raised a glass to celebrate the publication of Norbert Hirschhorn’s very personal lovely new poetry collection
Visit us at The Poetry Collective stand 5C158
A new poetry collection by Norbert Hirschhorn
Many came to congratulate Michael Dean
Join us to congratulate Michael Dean on Saturday 24 February at 4 pm in the Artworkers Guild
Here are the pictures or listen to a recording of the full event on soundcloud
With Jacqueline Saphra, Norbert Hirschhorn & Arnold Jansen op de Haar, 10 Jan at 8pm
The winning poem will be announced on this website on 18 December 2017.
A novel about Marc Chagall by Michael Dean
Saturday 23 September from 9.30am to 2pm in the Town Hall
We’re delighted to be back to meet our poetry friends
With Arnold Jansen op de Haar at Book and Bulbs
Part of Malmesbury Carnival
At the Dutch Embassy in London
To celebrate #KingsDay #Koningsdag
from The Refrain of Other People’s Lives by Arnold Jansen op de Haar
Arnold Jansen op de Haar recites a poem from The Refrain of Other People’s Lives
Friday 3 March at 6pm in the Dutch Common Room at UCL
The Yellow House – The Refrain of Other People’s Lives – The Institution
For her short story Cut Loose
Thursday 3 November at the Book Lounge, Cape Town, South Africa
Many people came to celebrate Arnold Jansen op de Haar’s new poetry collection
with Norbert Hirschhorn, Steven Leas, Arjang & Stefan Byron and Malcolm Miller
is the winner of the Poetry & Politics Competition!